Name: Reuben Tinker
Born: Chester, Ms., Aug. 6, 1799
Schools: Amherst College -1827; Auburn Seminary -1830
Arrived: June 7, 1831
Station: Wailuku (Maui) 1835-
Married: Chester, MA., Nov. 14, 1830 (Mary Throop Wood)
Departed: to U. S. 1840 (released 1840)
Died: Oct. 25, 1854
Other: He visited Washington Island (Marquesas) with Messrs. Whitney and Alexander from July 18 through Nov. 17, 1832.
Source: [1] Picture: Reuben Tinker 1830[1]
Wife: Mrs. Mary (Throop Wood) Tinker
Born: Chester, MA., Aug. 24, 1809
Arrived: June 7, 1831
Married: Chester, MA., Nov. 14, 1830 (Reuben Tinker)
Children: 6
Departed: to U. S. 1840
Died: d. Mar. 7, 1895
Other: She lived at the Hawaiian Islands 10 years. She revisited the Islands in 1870 at the Jubilee celebration.
Source: [1] Picture: Mrs. Mary (Throop Wood) Tinker 1830[1]
- [1] Extracted From "Portraits of American Protestant Missionaries to Hawaii" (1901) - Published by the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society