Titus Coan - Apostle to the Sandwich Islands (2021) By Phil Corr

PLEASE NOTE: This book cannot be downloaded for free like other ebooks on this website. The book is available for purchase as a LARGE Paperback directly from the author. Without any exaggeration, it is the most thorough biographical work on the life and ministry of Titus Coan, missionary to the Hawaiian Islands (Hilo), in existence - 573 7"x10" pages of history and research.
To purchase your copy of this classic historical book, please email the author, Phil Corr, at dphilcorr@yahoo.com. He will give you his mailing address to send your check to and you can give him your shipping address. Once your check is received you will have, shipped to you, an inscribed copy of the book. One book in the continental United States costs $60, including shipping. Hawaii, $70. For every four copies bought at one time, the Hawaiian cost will be $55 per book, continental US, $50. Any questions may be discussed with the author by email.
This very large book is an excellent and meticulous work chronicling the exciting and inspiring life and ministry of missionary and explorer Titus Coan. Written by pastor and researcher, Phil Corr, this book is the fruit of many years of research and is an excellent source full of rich insights into the life of Coan.
In it, Phil Corr provides a tour de force by writing for both the biography reader and the scholar. In this hybrid work he vividly portrays the life of Titus Coan, "the pen painter," while also filling the gaps in the scholarship. These gaps include the volume itself (no full-length published book has previously been written on Titus Coan) and the following chapters -- "Patagonia," "Peace," and"Other Religions." Using the unpublished thesis by Margaret Ehike and many other primary and secondary sources, he significantly deepens the understanding of Coan in many areas. This book is presented to the future reader for the purposes of edification and increasing the scholarship of this man who lived an incredible life during incredible times.
Indeed a massive work full of unique insights into the man, the missionary and what has become known as "The Great Awakening" of the native population in the Hawaiian Islands. Coan once pastored what was considered the largest church in the world in Hilo, Hawaii.
Phil Corr is the senior pastor of the Church of the Living Savior in McFarland, California. He has a PhD in American church history from Fuller Theological Seminary and a Master of Divinity from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. His published dissertation is "The Field is the World": Proclaiming, Translating and Serving by the American Board of Commissioners for Foriegn Missions, 1810-40. He has also published a devotional commentary on Hebrews 11:1-12:3 entitled Hall of Faith.
"This book opened my eyes to Titus' remarkable life as a cofounder of Hawaiian evangelism in the native environment of the mid-nineteenth century. Corr brilliantly interweaves disparate source materials to illuminating Titus' enthusiasm and intense devotion to the Hawaiian community through his commitment to the evangelical mission, and its profound effect on those he served. On can't help but find it uplifting and illuminating."
- EDWARD J. COAN, great great grandson of Titus Coan
"A long overdue comprehensive biography of American missionary Titus Coan, who in East Hawaii Island in the late 1830's gathered the largest congregation in the Protestant world of his day. Through exhaustive research, Corr presents a multifaceted look at the complex character of Coan as the revivalist, the man, husband, and father, the pioneering volcanologist and surprising, the peace advocate."
- CHRISTOPHER COOK, author of The Providential Life & Heritage of Henry Obookiah
"The lessons Coan wrote about 130 years ago helped me immensely as I planted my first church in Hawaii. Even today, Coan's thought and mentorship through his writings continue to inspire me and help me as a leader. I will forever be grateful for his penned insight and for his love for the precious people of Hawaii."
- WAYNE CORDEIRO, author of Doing Church as a Team
"Corr has spent many years researching the life and ministry of Titus Coan.... Corr has assimilated Coan's autobiography, personal correspondence, mission reports, articles, books, and existing research into a comprehensive and focused study. Titus Coan's biography will greatly enhance the understanding of the spiritual, political, and historical impact of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions and the Sandwich Islands Mission."
- ALAN TAMASHIRO, Senior Pastor, Puna Baptist Church
"Titus Coan... was a vital force in the development of a Protestant community in the islands. Yet despite his centrality, Coan never received a full-on biography -- until now. The wait was worth it, for Corr has written a strong, deeply researched, nuanced, and ultimately celebratory analysis of Coan's life and faith-based activism."
- CHAR MILLER, author of Fathers and Sons: The Bingham Family and the American Mission
"Drawing upon years of research, Corr provides us with an excellent biography of Titus Coan... A devotee of revivalism, Coan brought revivalist techniques to Hawaii, and Corr shows how the missionary used those techniques to spark the islands' Great Awakening in the 1830's. In addition to focusing on Coans's religiosity, Corr focuses on the missionary's scientific acumen, painting a broad portrait of Coan that will be of lasting value."
- CLIFFORD PUTNEY, author of Missionaries in Hawai'i: The Lives of Peter and Fanny Gulick, 1797-1883